words that win over hearts, minds, and sales

Copywriting & Storytelling for the human-first businesses

It’s time to make copywriting sound HUMAN again

Kreative by Kailan exists to do just that through done-for-you copy that deeply connects AND converts…and we do it with the living, breathing, emotional individual in mind.

Because in your eyes (and mine) your audience isn’t just another number.

You’ve got exactly what your audience needs to solve their problems and meet the deep desires they didn’t even know they have. But then comes the ultimate dilemma for most business owners:

knowing what to say or how to say it when it comes to conveying your value, sharing your story in a way that moves them, and why you’re the one to make their wildest dreams come true.

And with the crowded online landscape, you can’t afford to have rigid copywriting that lacks personality (or unreadable and uninspiring copy that AI spit out for you).

I’m not against technology, but I am a strong believer in infusing the human intelligence, empathy, and personal stories that a machine just can’t replicate. It’s more important than ever to be intentional about building a relationship with your audience, and that starts with the copy you write for your website, sales pages, and emails ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼

My job is to simplify the mystery of weaving together storytelling AND conversion copywriting for you so you know you’re sharing exactly what your people need to hear from you to tune in and buy — the REAL you that actually gives a damn about them.

What kind of copy are we cookin’ up?

  • website copywriter for six figure business owners

    Website Copywriting 👩🏼‍💻

    Your website is not only your first impression, but the words you use there should SELL for you. Whether you’re launching a website for the first time or your existing copy needs some TLC, let’s ensure you’ve got words that convert!

  • Sales page copywriting Kreative by Kailan

    Sales Pages đź’°

    Oh, you want informative and enticing? Yes – that’s a given. But copy that bridges the gap between you, your people, and why they actually need what YOU have to offer? Even BIGGER YES. Let's create a sales page for your offer or product that propels them to a no-brainer purchase.


    Newsletters & Email Funnels 📧

    Need to nurture your email list with weekly newsletters? Want that welcome, evergreen, or launch email sequence finally off of your plate? I’ve got you covered with email copy people will actually open and read (and buy from, of course).

“Kailan took the time to get to know me, my business, and my services and this shined through in the way that she was able to put together a sales page and waitlist page that completely reflected my voice.

I recently went through my first launch using my new copy and it was such a weight lifted off of my shoulders knowing that I had copy that effectively communicated the benefits of my program to potential clients. It made the launch process so much less stressful and allowed me to focus on preparing for the upcoming program.

Aside from the phenomenal copy, Kailan is so genuine and made it easy to turn over such an important part of my business. I cannot wait to work with her again in the future!”

-Elizabeth Pinyan, Owner & Head Coach of Flourish Fitness

You don’t just want “clients” and “customers.” Your copy has the power to make them lifelong fans of YOU and how you changed their lives. We do that by making sure your words reflect the heart of who you are and your value - because no one else can touch that.

Hey there! I’m Kailan. My knack for using words well was a skill I stumbled upon in high school creative writing and covering sports and features for my high school newspaper. And stories? I was hooked the day I began reading my first book series (Nancy Drew, obviously) and writing poems for my family. Then, I learned I could turn my love for words into a career, helping businesses like yours share your story, your mission, and your world-changing offers with the individuals you hope to impact. Who knew! So, here we are.

Sure, strategy and persuasion are a huge part of copy that sells. But after 8+ years of copywriting for various brands, the number one thing I see missing is a reason for buyers to connect with them conveyed through storytelling and personality. And this truly is what separates “okay” copy from the money-making copy.

That’s what I’m here to help you do: tell stories with heart that reveal who you are as a brand and why your people should not only buy from you, but stay in your inner circle — we’re talking years to come.

The TLDR version: When we team up, you’re walking away with copy that effectively marries personality, storytelling, and selling in a way that feels good to you AND gets results. Cha-ching.